Introduction to Biological Classification
History of Biological Classification
Five Kingdom System
Kingdom Monera
Bacteria - Size, Shape and Arrangement
Nutrition in Bacteria
Respiration in Bacteria
Reproduction in Bacteria
Archaebacteria: The Oldest Bacteria
Cyanobacteria: The Blue-Green Algae
Mycoplasma: The Wall-Less Bacteria
Structure of Virus
Types of Viruses and Viral Diseases
Viroids, Prions and Virusoids
Kingdom Fungi
Vegetative and Asexual Reproduction in Fungi
Sexual Reproduction in Fungi
Types of Sexual Reproduction in Fungi
Introduction to Kingdom Protista
Chrysophytes: The Golden Algae
Pyrrophytes: The Fire Algae
Euglenoids: The Photosynthetic Protists
Slime Moulds: The Saprophytic Protists
Protozoans: The Heterotrophic Protists
Flagellated Protozoans
Amoeba: The Amoeboid Protozoans
Sporozoans: The Parasitic Protozoans
Ciliated Protozoans
Kingdom Fungi
Vegetative and Asexual Reproduction in Fungi
Sexual Reproduction in Fungi
Types of Sexual Reproduction in Fungi
Classification of Fungi
Phycomycetes – Oomycetes and Zygomycetes
General Feature of Ascomycetes
General Features Basidiomycetes
General Features and Importance of Deuteromycetes
Lichens and Mycorrhiza
Introduction to Plant Kingdom
Thallophyta (Algae) - General Features and Importance
Rhodophyceae (Red Algae)
Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae)
Chlorophyceae (Green Algae)
General Features of Bryophytes
Bryophytes – Liverworts (Marchantia)
Bryophytes – Mosses
General Features of Pteridophytes
Reproduction in Pteridophytes
Types of Pteridophytes
Difference Between Bryophytes and Pteridophytes
General Features of Gymnosperms
Reproduction in Gymnosperms
General Features of Angiosperms
Life Cycle of Angiosperms
Problems on Plant Kingdom
Introduction to Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Plant Meristematic Tissues
Apical Meristem
Intercalary and Lateral Meristems
Simple Permanent Tissues – Parenchyma
Simple Permanent Tissues – Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma
Complex Permanent Tissues – Xylem
Complex Permanent Tissues – Phloem
Types of Xylem and Phloem
Epidermal Tissue System
Ground Tissue System
Vascular Tissue System
Structure of Dicot and Monocot Roots
Structure of Dicot Stem
Structure of Monocot Stem
Structure of Dicot Leaf
Structure of Monocot Leaf
Secondary Growth – Vascular Cambium
Secondary Growth – Cork Cambium
Spring Wood and Autumn Wood
Heartwood and Sapwood
Secondary Growth in Roots
Introduction to Animal Tissues
Main Features of Epithelial Tissues
Specialised Structures and Junctions
What Are Simple and Stratified Epithelial Tissues?
Squamous Epithelium
Cuboidal Epithelial Tissues
Columnar Epithelium
Pseudostratified and Transitional Epithelium
Glandular Epithelium
What Is Connective Tissue?
Cells of Connective Tissues
Fibres of Connective Tissue
Loose Connective Tissue – Areolar and Adipose
Dense Connective Tissue
Skeletal Connective Tissue – Cartilage
Skeletal Connective Tissue – Bones
Internal Structure of Bone
Differences Between Bone and Cartilage
What Are Muscle Tissues?
Striated or Skeletal Muscular Tissue
Unstriated or Smooth Muscular Tissue
Cardiac Muscular Tissue
Cells of the Nervous Tissue
Structure of a Nerve
Vascular Connective Tissue
Earthworm – Introduction and Body Wall
Earthworm – Morphology
Earthworm – Digestive System
Earthworm – Blood Vascular System
Earthworm – Respiratory and Excretory Systems
Earthworm – Reproduction
Earthworm – Nervous System and Economic Importance
Cockroach – Introduction and Body Wall
Cockroach – Morphology
Cockroach – Digestive System
Cockroach – Blood Vascular System
Cockroach – Respiratory and Excretory Functions
Cockroach – Nervous System
Cockroach – Reproductive System
Frog – Introduction, Morphology and Body Wall
Frog – Digestive, Respiratory and Blood Vascular Systems
Frog – Excretory, Nervous and Reproductive Systems
Introduction to Cell
Shape, Size and Types of Cells
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Cell Membrane: The Outer Cover of the Cell
Membrane Transport – Passive Transport
Membrane Transport – Active Transport
Cytoplasm: The Ground Material of the Cell
The Endomembrane System and ER
Golgi Apparatus: The Post Office of the Cell
Lysosomes: The Suicidal Bags of the Cell
Vacuoles: The Storage Bodies of the Cell
Mitochondria: The Power House of the Cell
Ribosomes: The Protein Factories of the Cell
Flagella and Cilia
Centrioles and Centrosome
Nucleus: The Brain of the Cell
Introduction to Chromosomes
Types of Chromosome
Structure of Cell Wall
Introduction to Plastids
Chloroplast: The Kitchen of the Cell
Introduction to Biomolecules
Bonding in Biomolecules
Protein Monomers: The Amino Acids
Peptides and Protein Primary Structure
Secondary Protein Structure
Protein Tertiary and Quaternary Structures
Functions of Proteins
Carbohydrates: Classification and Function
Carbohydrate Monomers: The Monosaccharides
Glycosidic Bond and Disaccharides
Polysaccharides: General Introduction and Types
Homopolysaccharides: Cellulose, Starch and Glycogen
Some Other Polysaccharides
Nucleic Acid Structure
Structure of DNA
RNA and Its Types
Lipids: General Introduction and Function
Lipids Formation and Structure
Phospholipids, Sphingolipids and Glycolipids
Steroids and Lipoproteins
Enzymes and Their Properties
Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes
How Do Enzymes Catalyse Reaction?
Models for Enzyme Action
Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
Enzyme Inhibition
Cofactors and Coenzymes
Primary Metabolites and Secondary Metabolites
What Is Diffusion?
Facilitated Diffusion
Active Transport
Plant-Water Relations – Water Potential
Plant-Water Relations – Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure
Types of Solution and Plasmolysis
Wall Pressure, Turgor Pressure and Diffusion Pressure Deficit
Understanding Imbibition
Uniport, Symport and Antiport
Practice Questions on Plant-Water Relations
Symplast and Apoplast
Ascent of Sap – Root Pressure Theory
Transpiration – Types and Factors Affecting It
Ascent of Sap – Transpiration Pull or Cohesion-Tension Theory
Stomata – Structure and Types
Mechanism of Opening and Closing of Stomata
Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients
Translocation Of Food in Plants By Phloem
Types of Water in Soil
Introduction to Mineral Nutrition
Mineral Requirements of Plants
Understanding Hydroponics
Essential Mineral Elements and Their Types
Role of Macronutrients
Role of Micronutrients – 1
Role of Micronutrients – 2
General Functions of Essential Elements
Deficiency Symptoms of Essential Elements
Toxicity of Micronutrients
Absorption of Minerals and Their Translocation
Soil: A Reservoir of Nutrients
Introduction to Nitrogen Cycle and Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen Cycle
Mechanism of Biological Nitrogen Fixation
Biochemistry of Nitrogen Fixation by Bacteria
Nitrate Assimilation in Plants
Introduction to Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Early Experiments of Photosynthesis – Part I
Early Experiments of Photosynthesis – Part II
Action and Absorption Spectrum of Photosynthesis
Where Does Photosynthesis Take Place?
Photosynthetic Pigments
Cyclic Photophosphorylation
Non-cyclic Photophosphorylation
Chemiosmotic Theory
Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)
Photorespiration or C2 Cycle
C4 Pathway and C4 Plants
CAM Pathway
Blackman's Law of Limiting Factors
Factors Affecting Photosynthesis
Introduction to Plant Growth and Development
Seed Germination in Plants
Plant Growth and Its Features
Methods To Measure Plant Growth
Phases of Plant Growth
Factors Affecting Plant Growth
Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, and Redifferentiation in Plants
Development in Plants
Meristematic Tissues and Plant Growth
Plant Growth Regulators
Discovery and Plant Growth Hormones
Plant Growth Hormones – Auxin
Plant Growth Hormones – Gibberellins
Differences Between Auxins and Gibberellins
Plant Growth Hormones – Cytokinin
Plant Growth Hormones – Ethylene and Abscisic Acid
Seed Dormancy and Its Importance
Interactions Among PGRs
Photoperiodism and Its Significance
Differences Between Short Day Plants and Long Day Plants
Vernalisation and Its Mechanism
Differences Between Vernalisation and Photoperiodism
Contents of the Oral Cavity
Salivary Glands and Their Contribution
Structure of Stomach
Small Intestine – Structure and Function
Large Intestine – Structure and Function
Structural Aspects of Liver
Functional Aspects of Liver
Bile: Liver's Key Factor
Pancreas – Structure and Function
The Biliary System
Gall Bladder: The Bile Storehouse
Pancreatic Juice – Constituents and Functions
Carbohydrate Digestion
Protein Digestion
Fat Digestion
Absorption of Nutrients
Assimilation: Fate of Absorbed Food
Egestion: Expulsion of Unabsorbed Food
GIT Hormones
Deficiency Disorders
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Water-Soluble Vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B5
Water-Soluble Vitamins – B6, B7, B9, B12, C
Motility and Disorders of the Digestive System
Intracellular Circulation and Extracellular Circulation
Blood – Components, Characteristics and Function
RBC – Formation, Structure and Function
Haemoglobin: The Respiratory Molecule
Granular Leucocytes
Agranular Leukocytes
Rh Blood Group
Blood Platelets
ABO Blood Grouping System
Circulatory Pathways
External Structure of Heart
Internal Structure of Heart
Lymph and Its Circulation
Lymphatic Organs
Cardiac Cycle, Stroke Volume, and Pulse
Cardiac Output and Heart Sounds
Understanding the Electrocardiograph
Blood Vessels
Double Circulation
Portal Circulation
Regulation of Cardiac Activity
Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease
Anaemia, Haemophilia and Leukaemia
CHF, Cardiac Arrest and Arrhythmia
Angina, Congenital Heart Defects and Tetralogy of Fallot
Introduction to Neurons, Nerve Fibres and Neural Control and Coordination
Neural System in Animals
The Human Neural System – Classification and Functions
Structure of a Neuron
Classification of Neurons and Myelination
Neuroglia and Its Classification
Generation of Nerve Impulse
Conduction of Nerve Impulse
Understanding Synapses
What Is a Neurotransmitter?
Brain and Meninges
The Forebrain
Mibrain and Hindbrain
Spinal Cord and Ventricles
Cranial and Spinal Nerves
Divisions of PNS
Reflex Action
Sensory Receptors
Parts of an Eye
Anatomy of Eyeball
Photoreceptors and Lens
Vision – Mechanism and Abnormalities
External and Middle Ear
Anatomy of Inner Ear
Mechanism of Hearing
Tactile Sensation
Smell and Taste Sensations
Neural System Disorders
Neural vs Endocrine
Endocrine Glands and Hormones
Classification of Hormones
The Hypothalamus
Anterior Pituitary Gland – I
Anterior Pituitary Gland – II
Posterior Pituitary Gland
Pineal Gland
Thyroid Gland
Parathyroid Gland
Adrenal Gland – Cortex
Adrenal Gland – Medulla
Thymus Gland
Pancreas Gland
Understanding the Testes
Understanding the Ovary
Placenta, Liver and Heart Hormones
Kidney and GIT Hormones
Growth Factors and Eicosanoids
Mechanism of Action of Lipid-Soluble Hormones
Mechanism of Action of Water-Soluble Hormones
Regulation of Activity of Endocrine System
Disorders of Pituitary Gland and Gonads
Disorders of Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Adrenal Gland Disorders
Pancreatic Islet Disorders